Mistakes to avoid in career planning
1. Saying “I Can’t”
The word “I can’t” shouldn’t even go through your head with planning your career. That one of the biggest mistake any student can make is assuming that a prospective career path is out of reach. No goal is impossible to reach as long you’re determined and committed to meeting that goal. You may ask yourself, “Who am I?” Answering this questions typically require you to define yourself in relation to your peers and to adults.
2. Getting dollar sings in your eyes
Money is just but one of many factors you consider in when deciding on a career. If you decide your career on how much money you will make in the end you may not like your job. Sure people earn more than $50,000 a year, but only 14% are “very satisfied” with their job. Remember, the career you choose becomes part of who you are. So choose a career you look forward to.
3. Doing what your parent except—or what you think they except.
Listen and respect the opinions of your parents because they know what best for you, but not all the time. Parents can be difficult sometimes. But it’s your life. Graduation is a transition to adulthood that changes the goals and lives of every individual. Be open with your career ideas.
4. Assuming a job won’t be useful in building experience.
Working is a way to help define yourself as an individual and as an essential part of society. Work also has its awards like getting paid.
5. Going it alone.
In the end its all on you because now you are responsible for a lifetime of choices and actions that will define you.